“Ono­matopoeia is con­veyed in engag­ing typog­ra­phy, while Shklovsky con­tributes sweet­ly expres­sive, intri­cate water­col­or and pen­cil illus­tra­tions in a soft palette, employ­ing cap­ti­vat­ing angles and dynam­ic spreads to hold read­ers’ atten­tion. This illu­mi­nat­ing tale simul­ta­ne­ous­ly serves as a primer on the loon and a sat­is­fy­ing, well-paced chron­i­cle of progress.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, starred review)

“Yvonne Pear­son­’s poems in This Rock­ing Motion of Time are deeply incar­na­tion­al. These fear­less lyrics exult and grieve for what the body under­goes in its pas­sage through youth, through love and age. They form a gor­geous, sen­su­al tes­ta­ment to being mor­tal, to being here, and to know­ing this will not always be so.” (Susan Deb­o­rah King, Poet, Moon Dance, Drop­ping Into the Flower, One-Breast­ed Woman, Coven, Taber­na­cle (Poems of an Island))

“When he feels over­hugged, Theo takes action … The impor­tant mes­sage about bod­i­ly auton­o­my is clear­ly stat­ed and fur­ther artic­u­lat­ed for par­ents in the back­mat­ter … giv­en that all chil­dren should learn to ask before giv­ing a hug and to expect the same from oth­ers, it’s one that many lit­tle ones will ben­e­fit from read­ing.” (Kirkus Reviews)

More about Too Many Hugs: A Book about Con­sent …

Sadie is bold in her descrip­tion of the view out­side her car win­dow, but as her fam­i­ly sets off on a wilder­ness adven­ture, she’s not entire­ly sure she’s ready to spend some qual­i­ty time in the woods. Aren’t there bears? And alli­ga­tors? What if it starts to rain?

More about Sadie Braves the Wilder­ness