Little Loon Finds His Voice

writ­ten by Yvonne Pear­son
illus­trat­ed by Regi­na Shklovsky
The Col­lec­tive Book Stu­dio, Sep­tem­ber 21, 2021
ISBN: 978–1‑951–41233‑3

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Little Loon Finds His Voice


Ooo aaa woo woo! Papa Loon’s voice calls out long and strong across the water. He warns of dan­ger. He defends his family’s home. He even wards off preda­tors. But Peep! Eep! Squeak! Lit­tle Loon’s voice is noth­ing like his Papa’s. When an eagle attacks, will Lit­tle Loon find his voice in time?

A water bird found through­out much of North Amer­i­ca, loons are famous for their echo­ing calls. Lit­tle Loon Finds His Voice is the endear­ing, com­ing-of-age tale of one lit­tle loon that finds deter­mi­na­tion pays off as he finds his voice, and with it, his place in the world. Breath­tak­ing illus­tra­tions trans­port read­ers to misty lakes and tow­er­ing pines, and infor­ma­tive loon facts at the end detail the life and habits of these enchant­i­ng birds.

Little Loon Finds His Voice
illus­tra­tion copy­right © Regi­na Shklovsky, from Lit­tle Loon Finds His Voice, The Col­lec­tive Book Studio

Awards and Recognition

Bank Street’s Best Chil­dren’s Books of the Year, 2022 STEM Col­lec­tion
Fore­word Indies Best Pic­ture Book of the Year, final­ist
Pub­West Book Design Award, Sil­ver Winner 


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In this endear­ing pic­ture book, Lit­tle Loon desires noth­ing more than to emu­late Papa’s long and strong calls—a tremo­lo, wail, hoot, and yodel—whereas Lit­tle Loon only makes peeps and squeaks. … Lyri­cal prose fol­lows Lit­tle Loon’s growth: “Until one day, as the sun tipped over the trees, Lit­tle Loon danced upon the water, flapped his wings, and rose through the crisp air.” Ono­matopoeia is con­veyed in engag­ing typog­ra­phy, while Shklovsky con­tributes sweet­ly expres­sive, intri­cate water­col­or and pen­cil illus­tra­tions in a soft palette, employ­ing cap­ti­vat­ing angles and dynam­ic spreads to hold read­ers’ atten­tion. This illu­mi­nat­ing tale simul­ta­ne­ous­ly serves as a primer on the loon and a sat­is­fy­ing, well-paced chron­i­cle of progress. (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, starred review)

What a love­ly com­bi­na­tion of sto­ry and facts, lyri­cal lan­guage and com­pelling illus­tra­tions Yvonne Pear­son and Regi­na Shklovsky have cre­at­ed!  Every child will rejoice when lit­tle loon finds his voice. (Mar­i­on Dane Bauer, author of the New­bery Hon­or book On My Hon­or and The Stuff of Stars, plus more than one hun­dred books for young people)

With lyri­cal, engag­ing text and gen­tle, inti­mate art, this book tells a sto­ry that is both famil­iar and fresh. Lit­tle Loon’s yearn­ing to be big, to call like his par­ents do, will res­onate with kid read­ers who know what it’s like to be small and to long to do grownup things. This sto­ry will also intro­duce them to some­thing new: a real loon lan­guage that is as fac­tu­al as it is enchant­i­ng. Page by page, we are invit­ed to dive into this beau­ti­ful crea­ture’s world, becom­ing flu­ent in loon­song our­selves as we watch Lit­tle Loon grow. (Mol­ly Beth Grif­fin, author of Loon BabyRho­da’s Rock Hunt, and Ten Beau­ti­ful Things)