Nonfiction for Young Readers

How Do We Classify Materials?

How Do We Clas­si­fy Mate­ri­als?
Cap­stone Peb­ble, Jan­u­ary 1, 2022

Mate­ri­als have dif­fer­ent prop­er­ties. Steel is hard and fab­ric is soft. Sand­pa­per is rough. Slides at the park are smooth. Chil­dren will learn how and why sci­en­tists put things into groups. 

Celebrate Presidents' Day

Cel­e­brate Pres­i­dents’ Day
Cap­stone Peb­ble, April 1, 2019
(part of a six-book set)

Chil­dren will learn about the influ­en­tial pres­i­dents of the Unit­ed States and how and why we cel­e­brate these people.

Celebrate Constitution Day

Cel­e­brate Con­sti­tu­tion Day
Cap­stone Peb­ble, April 1, 2019
(part of a six-book set)

Chil­dren will learn about the impor­tance of the Unit­ed State con­sti­tu­tion and why and how we cel­e­brate this impor­tant document.

Amazing Animal Architects of the Water

Amaz­ing Ani­mal Archi­tects of the Water
Cap­stone Peb­ble, August 1, 2018

From beavers to coral, find out how all kinds of ani­mals build awe­some homes on or near the water.

12 Great Tips for Writing Poetry

Twelve Great Tips on Writ­ing Poetry
12-Sto­ry Library, 2016
(part of an eight-book set)

This book gives infor­ma­tion on how to write poet­ry in twelve man­age­able por­tions. Exam­ples, writ­ing prompts, and check­list sum­maries help read­ers apply their knowl­edge effectively.

The Chilean Miners: Buried Alive

The Chilean Min­ers: Buried Alive
Child’s World, 2016 

Learn the mirac­u­lous sto­ry of the 33 Chilean min­ers who sur­vived being trapped under­ground for 69 days. Addi­tion­al fea­tures to aid com­pre­hen­sion include a table of con­tents, fact-filled cap­tions and side­bars, a glos­sary, sources for fur­ther research, and a list­ing of source notes.

Smelly, Stinky Skunk

Smelly, Stinky Skunk: Teach­ing Adjectives
Child’s World, 2016
(part of a twelve-book set, Play­ing with Words)

Learn about adjec­tives through easy, engag­ing text and col­or­ful pho­tographs. Addi­tion­al fea­tures to aid com­pre­hen­sion include log­i­cal nar­ra­tives, bold­ed key words, detailed pho­tographs, an answer key, and sources for fur­ther research.

Oth­er titles I’ve writ­ten in this series: A Bird in a Nest in a Tree: Teach­ing Nouns; Cows, Hors­es, and Sheep: Teach­ing Plur­al Words; In and Out: Teach­ing Prepositions

Rev Up Your Writing in Fictional Stories

Rev Up Your Writ­ing in Fic­tion­al Stories
illus­trat­ed by Mernie Gallagher-Cole
Child’s World, 2015
(part of a sev­en-book set) 

Presents an overview of fic­tion­al sto­ries, includ­ing the for­m’s pur­pose, ele­ments, traits, and how it express­es ideas.

Concrete Poems

Con­crete Poems
Child’s World, 2014
(part of an eight-book set, Poet­ry Party) 

Presents an overview of con­crete poems, includ­ing the for­m’s his­to­ry, ele­ments, and traits and how poets use con­crete poems to express ideas.

Oth­er titles I’ve writ­ten in this series: Lim­er­icks, Nar­ra­tive Poems, Prose Poems

Stress Management

Stress Man­age­ment
Hazelden Pub­lish­ing, Inc., Cen­ter City, MN, 2001
(a series of work­books for teens on Youth Life Skills, as well as com­pan­ion facil­i­ta­tor guides)

Stand out, fit in, grow up, just wait—the pres­sures are every­where, the stress is intense, and you have a few oth­er things on your mind. This work­book will help you dis­cov­er and devel­op the tools you’ll need to stay cool and keep mov­ing. Stress can be good or bad, and exer­cis­es build­ing on famil­iar, every­day sit­u­a­tions will show you how to tell the dif­fer­ence and how to respond accord­ing­ly. You will also hone your own skills for avoid­ing stress or meet­ing it head-on, reduc­ing it or mak­ing the most of it—skills that won’t make life easy, but should make it easier.

Oth­er titles I’ve writ­ten in this series: Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Anger Man­age­ment, Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion, Deci­sion Making